
Showing posts from July, 2023

Parables of the Kingdom: Matthew 18:10-14

HOPE FOR THOSE WHO STRAY   In the day-to-day rituals of life, it is easy to take God’s presence for granted. The discipline of prayer and seeking God amid routines can become another task to do. And as we feel our relationship with Jesus fading, we find it all too easy to fall into bad habits, sin. Before you know it, you have strayed, wandered from the God who loves you. Do you feel this?              Do you think you are the only one who strays from God?  I feel like I am sometimes.             I am drawn to the words of Robert Robinson in his hymn, “Come thou fount of every blessing.” He wrote,  “Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, O take and seal it; seal it for thy courts above.”              Acknowledging that the human heart is fickle and easily distracted, Robinson asks the Lord to chain his heart to the goodness of God so that he doesn’t forget how much God loves him.

Parables of the Kingdom: Matthew 13: 24-30; 36-43

THERE’R WEEDS IN THE WHEAT!!!   When you have a field more riddled with weeds than with wheat, what do you do? Do you spray herbicide over the whole thing and reseed the field?              In 1942, Britain was being threatened by Nazi attacks and the threat of invasion. To strike back, the Brits came up with an idea for weaponizing anthrax and using it against German agriculture. The plan would have killed in such an indiscriminate manner that it would have lived up to its name: Operation Vegetarian.              Anthrax is an infectious disease that kills at a high rate. The British planned to drop anthrax-infested cattle cakes from bombers onto grazing cattle. The cows would eat the cakes and die while spreading the disease. This plan would wipe out the German food supply, kill many people, and starve the rest. Germans would be too scared to eat meat, thus the name “Operation Vegetarian.” How demoralizing!              The problem with this indiscriminate poisoning is that, yes it w